Creativity and New Media

This week's blog post being related to creativity comes at just the right time since I've spent much of my free time this week using technology to get creative to deal with boredom. I used to spend a lot of time playing around with video editing softwares just to get the hang of them. However, they can be a little too time consuming. This week I went back to it after I saw a video on YouTube and wondered how long it would take to make something similar. This led me to randomly ask 3 of my friends to send me the last song they had listened to. I got my answer on how long it takes to make them and it wasn't too long. I got all three done in just under an hour! I put them on YouTube just for this assignment. (Not sure why everyone was listening to such sad songs but these were the results). 1 2 3 Bonus: One of my friends also wanted me to edit a picture she took for her business, which she wanted to post to her website. Since I had enough time, I decided to qui...