Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds can be used in various different ways, including education, health care, businesses, or just plain old entertainment through video games. Virtual worlds are a creative way of letting people experience and learn new things because people get to do things they may not have done normally. When it comes to education, virtual worlds are being used more often in schools to help students get an immersive experience straight from the classroom. Although not used regularly, schools are using VR and AR to help make learning more enjoyable but also having the content matter be related to what is being taught. As stated in the article, The virtual world moves into the classroom, “VR seems to be a great way to help kids understand perspective” because they get to put themselves in the shoes of other. Another advantage of using virtual reality in classrooms is that kids can experience faraway places like France, England, and India just by putting on their goggles for much cheaper than a real trip to such places.

In the medical field, online simulation technology is used to train nurses and students. Unlike in the past when hospitals had to use dioramas and action figures or real-life actors for training, the virtual realities allow them to do the same without creating interruptions in the actual hospital. These real-life training sessions were also much more costly. Plus, the simulations are more immersive, according to the article Avatar II: The Hospital. An issue, however, is that for those that live in rural areas, have bad internet, or don’t have computers, the experience becomes difficult, especially if there are connection issues.

I believe as time passes, virtual worlds will become even more apparent in different aspects of our lives. It won’t just be games like Minecraft that are for entertainment, but will instead become something that is useful and crucial to daily lives. More and more facilities will implement it and use it to help in things such as job trainings.


  1. Hi Promi!

    I totally agree with your belief on how VR will develop by becoming more apparent in different aspects of our lives! I believe VR is something that's going to be revolutionary because people, back then, would've never thought we'd have wireless or touch screen technology; VR will definitely be something that's going to be part of everyone's life as a form of entertainment and probably a norm.

  2. Hello,

    I do agree with you, VR will be the new best thing not just for games but education as well. Just like how almost everyone has a phone with them, everyone will also have a VR with them especially students. This will make students be more fascinated to learn many things. It will help students because instead of just reading in books, they will use realistic scenarios which will help them remember and understand many things better.


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