HW Creativity

New media has allowed people to have a creative outlet now more than ever. With social media sites, virtual worlds, and various other forms of digital technology people can let their creativity flow more frequently and have an audience through such medias. People are even making careers through the use of new media. For example, in. the New Yorker article titled, 1 + 1 + 1= 1 discusses the rise of mashups using new digital technology. These mashups are unique with how they combine different artists and genres, yet making them complement each other in an appealing way. The author gives examples of “bacchanalian rapper Missy Elliot combined with morose English rock band Joy Division and ecstatic Madonna working with furious Sex Pistols.” New media allows people to find an audience and showcase their work from the comfort of their home. One producer stated, “You don’t need  a distributor, because your distribution is the internet. You don’t need a record label because it’s your bedroom, and you don’t need a recording studio because that’s your computer. You do it all yourself.” Having softwares and websites so readily available to us makes learning things and channeling your creativity very easy, and for those who don’t yet have the skills, learning those skills is also made easy with the help of YouTube.


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