Social Media and Businesses: The Perfect Pair?

   For my project I have decided to look deeper into the impact of social media on businesses. I will also be analyzing whether or not social media and businesses make a good pair. In recent years, social media has become a vital part of our daily lives. However, businesses have also started to use social media for various purposes, such as reaching a larger audience, connecting with existing customers, and gaining insight. I will examine how the use of social media differs between established brands and start-ups and compare how their strategies. Often times, small (or large) businesses go viral due to a Tweet or Instagram post, so I will look into how they use the traffic from viral posts to build their businesses; how do they keep up the momentum? Nonetheless, social media is not always positive. One messy post, and it can cause uproar, which can eventually be damaging to a business. This is why I plan to discuss both the positives and negatives of social media and whether or not one outweighs the other.


  1. Hi Promi, I like the idea of analyzing social media and businesses, because it is a big part of today's world of commerce. Without social media, businesses would be stuck with old marketing tactics to get the name of their business spread out. E-commerce may solely use social media to market their brand/business as they are both pair in a virtual environment.


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