Blog about Twitter

Having a discussion on Twitter was much more different than having a discussion on BlackBoard. For one, Twitter is much more accessible since we simply have to scroll through our timelines instead of clicking on individual posts just to see what someone said. This makes replying to others easier, too. I was also able to see the discussions other classmates were having with each other since I’m following them. Because Tweets are limited to 280 characters, I had to be much more concise about my thoughts, but I think that is what makes Twitter so useful; users are able to get a point across without having to say too much. It is also much more conversational/casual instead of being overly formal. Although Twitter discussions being more conversation similarly to an in-class discussion, one difference with face to face is that we are able to elaborate on our thoughts more. We’re also able to hear each other’s tones which can be helpful in understanding others a bit more.


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