
Showing posts from March, 2020

Creativity and New Media

This week's blog post being related to creativity comes at just the right time since I've spent much of my free time this week using technology to get creative to deal with boredom. I used to spend a lot of time playing around with video editing softwares just to get the hang of them. However, they can be a little too time consuming. This week I went back to it after I saw a video on YouTube and wondered how long it would take to make something similar. This led me to randomly ask 3 of my friends to send me the last song they had listened to.  I got my answer on how long it takes to make them and it wasn't too long. I got all three done in just under an hour! I put them on YouTube just for this assignment. (Not sure why everyone was listening to such sad songs but these were the results). 1 2 3 Bonus: One of my friends also wanted me to edit a picture she took for her business, which she wanted to post to her website. Since I had enough time, I decided to qui

HW Creativity

New media has allowed people to have a creative outlet now more than ever. With social media sites, virtual worlds, and various other forms of digital technology people can let their creativity flow more frequently and have an audience through such medias. People are even making careers through the use of new media. For example, in. the New Yorker article titled, 1 + 1 + 1= 1 discusses the rise of mashups using new digital technology. These mashups are unique with how they combine different artists and genres, yet making them complement each other in an appealing way. The author gives examples of “bacchanalian rapper Missy Elliot combined with morose English rock band Joy Division and ecstatic Madonna working with furious Sex Pistols.” New media allows people to find an audience and showcase their work from the comfort of their home. One producer stated, “You don’t need  a distributor, because your distribution is the internet. You don’t need a record label because it’s your bedroom,

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds can be used in various different ways, including education, health care, businesses, or just plain old entertainment through video games. Virtual worlds are a creative way of letting people experience and learn new things because people get to do things they may not have done normally. When it comes to education, virtual worlds are being used more often in schools to help students get an immersive experience straight from the classroom. Although not used regularly, schools are using VR and AR to help make learning more enjoyable but also having the content matter be related to what is being taught. As stated in the article, The virtual world moves into the classroom, “VR seems to be a great way to help kids understand perspective” because they get to put themselves in the shoes of other. Another advantage of using virtual reality in classrooms is that kids can experience faraway places like France, England, and India just by putting on their goggles for much cheaper th

Social Networking Sites

While all social networking sites having the main purpose of connecting people, different sites take different approaches. When comparing between four different sites, it’s evident that each of them have their own unique touch. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit are all social networking sites that have similarities and differences, yet are still intertwined. Facebook, one of the most popular forms of social networking for years, serves as a great way to keep in touch with others. It allows people to post pictures, videos, and their feelings on different matters without a limit. Most user content is only viewable if they are on your “Friends” list. However, Facebook Is not just limited to family and friends, it can be used for businesses and promotions too. Twitter on the other hand is much more different since people “follow” each other and topics that they are interested in. Tweets are 280 characters so people must be concise with what they are saying. Twitter allows

Blog about Twitter

Having a discussion on Twitter was much more different than having a discussion on BlackBoard. For one, Twitter is much more accessible since we simply have to scroll through our timelines instead of clicking on individual posts just to see what someone said. This makes replying to others easier, too. I was also able to see the discussions other classmates were having with each other since I’m following them. Because Tweets are limited to 280 characters, I had to be much more concise about my thoughts, but I think that is what makes Twitter so useful; users are able to get a point across without having to say too much. It is also much more conversational/casual instead of being overly formal. Although Twitter discussions being more conversation similarly to an in-class discussion, one difference with face to face is that we are able to elaborate on our thoughts more. We’re also able to hear each other’s tones which can be helpful in understanding others a bit more.